Saturday, May 31, 2008

You who are aflame with wilderness,
did not the city once haunt you
with its utopian scepter used to mark
false distinctions between the human
and the civilized?

We are wonders where we are,
no matter what architecture only some
buildings are marvels and others can barely
stand the guests inside.

Do not go gently into the Ides, for
many a lover perishes his flame in offering
it to a bearer who cannot keep it alive.
And that is where the darkness comes from,
not from hand held stars and their mere
shadows, but from the failure to grip
heat like a gauntlet, these naive
couplings who treat life gingerly like
a small canary.

Be not a coward in the face of parting,
for you have already just gone and
what is before you stands like an
enlightened city; glowing with
cognizance, recognition, and the greater
glory of Love.

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